Recently, my messages for LifeSpring Church were
based on a similar sermon series and small group study taught by Andy Stanley
called Christian, It’s Not What You Think.
the last couple of weeks I’ve tried to raise the awareness of our congregation
that “Christians” and “Disciples of Jesus” are not always the same thing. I did this by placing an emphasis on Jesus’
teaching & His modeling of what many call The Great Commandment found in Matthew 22 with His followers (insiders) and others (outsiders), along
with Jesus’ own definition of what the defining characteristic of His
“A new command I give you: Love one another.
As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will
know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John13:34-35
This past week, I concluded the message by
challenging everyone to ask of themselves (at least once a day) …
I have received several texts, emails, and I have
even had multiple conversations with people who have been wrestling with this
question since last Sunday’s message.
The comments range from
“I don’t know what love requires of me” to “I
think I know, but don’t think I can do it”. This combined with other comments
like “I don’t think I’m worthy to be a Disciple of Jesus”, “I love God, but
struggle with loving others”, “thinking about what Love requires of me makes me
very uncomfortable” leads me to believe that I have touched on a very important
issue for many.
Well I have good news for those of you who are
struggling with this question! This Sunday, June 2nd, I will give
everyone the answer to this question.
The answer is based on what the Bible teaches and will be life altering
for many people who hear it. You
do not want to miss this message.
If you are unable to attend personally, please visit our website and listen to the podcast or
watch it online.