
November 24, 2009

Mark 4: 1-20
My notes

Summary of 1st soil THE PATH

Some people are like soil that has been trampled down by life and people so that they are not RECEPTIVE to the word… because of this, when the word is given to them, sewn into them, it doesn’t sink in…and is easily taken away by our enemy (Satan)

End results…no fruit…soil didn’t do it’s intended purpose…. to nurture the seed and allow it to transform into a plant … that with the continuing nurturing of the soil, will produce a harvest of fruit.

How do we help Break up or loosen the packed down soil?

Through New Relationships (caring) – Not a lot of training needed to do this, nor is there a lot of work required. Just need to care about others and give a little time. It’s just like taking the shovel and turning over the soil, loosing it up, one shovel full at a time.

Summary of 2nd soil ROCKY PLACES

Some people are like soil that has rocks under its surface. The seed is initially received, and the soil above the rocky place begins to nurture the seed so that it transforms into plant. However, before it can bear fruit, the scorching heat of trouble and persecution drains all the life from the plant, because it needs deep roots to survive the withering environment above the surface.

End results…no fruit…soil didn’t do it’s intended purpose…to nurture the seed and allow it to transform into a plant … that with the continuing nurturing of the soil, will withstand troubles and persecutions…and will produce a harvest of fruit

How do we help to remove the rocks from under our soil?

Through Mature Relationships (accountability). This takes a little more time and effort. It is being close enough with someone else that you can hold them accountable when the “rocks” show up. It means getting your hands dirty and helping the other people remove the rocks under the surface.

Summary of 3rd soil THORN INFESTED

Some people are like soil that is growing both thorns and the farmer’s seed. The soils is actually nurturing both plants, and because of the nature of the thorns, they are quick growing and begin to compete for the same space that is needed for the farmers plant to grow, ultimately choking it out before it can bear fruit…

End results…no fruit…soil didn’t do it’s intended purpose….to nurture the seed of the farmers and allow it to transform into a plant … that with the continuing nurturing of the soil, will produce a harvest of fruit

How do we protect against the thorns?

Through Discipleing Relationships (learning & application). This is the most difficult, and requires the most training and guidance to be able to help. This is also the most dangerous because of the nature of the thorn.

Summary of 4th soil GOOD SOIL

Soil did it’s intended purpose….it nurture the seed and allow it to transform into a plant and continued nurturing of the seed and plant and allowed for large crop….

This is what we are striving for in our own lives and should be striving to help others achieve as well.

November 19, 2009

Mark Chapter3 notes

Mark Chapter 3 notes:

Jesus keeps doing good stuff (healing, casting out demons, etc.) that ticks off the established religious structure of the time. Healing a person of a “shriveled hand” # 1 in the synagogue, #2 on the Sabbath, & #3 this isn’t the first time it’s happened…

- Vs. 5…Jesus gets angry at those religious leaders (or whoever he was asking the question to in vs. 4) for remaining silent. Jesus distressed at their “stubborn hearts”…what were they being stubborn about? It is almost as if Jesus is saying that, Hey…which is lawful on the Sabbath, to do good, or to do evil…to save life or to kill?... you know, doing nothing, when you have the ability to do good….is the same as doing evil… I would say that Jesus doesn’t like complacency…

- Jesus actions were causing him to become more popular with those who need healing …a change. People were coming to him now

- Vs. 21 states that Jesus family though he was crazy for doing what he was doing… Doing good in this world (rather than evil) makes you look like your crazy….at least in the worlds eyes…

- A lot of people following him…but Jesus only chose a few to be apostles….to be sent out and preach and have authority to drive out demons

- Doing Jesus Will (Vs. 34-35) makes us a part of his family

November 18, 2009

15 minutes of Mark 2

Ok, Here is some thoughts on Mark Chapter 2

- Vs. 6 says “now some teachers of the law were sitting there, …”

Yet, Vs. 2 tell us that there was basically standing room only inside and outside because of the Jesus was preaching the word to them…

I guess these teachers of the law had some power or prestige to get to the sitting area of this meeting

- Vs. 10 tells us the reason behind why the paralytic was healed… “that you may know the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins”

- Vs. 17 tells another reason that Jesus came … “not to call the righteous, but sinners”.

- I get the illustration about the “unshrunk” patch on a hole in a shrunken cloth…but I had to look it up to find out about the wine skins… reply back to this post and I will send you what I found out…petty cool stuff… has to do with the fermentation process.

- Vs.28…Jesus says he is Lord even of the Sabbath.

15 minutes of Mark 2

Ok, Here is some thoughts on Mark Chapter 2

- Vs. 6 says “now some teachers of the law were sitting there, …”

Yet, Vs. 2 tell us that there was basically standing room only inside and outside because of the Jesus was preaching the word to them…

I guess these teachers of the law had some power or prestige to get to the sitting area of this meeting

- Vs. 10 tells us the reason behind why the paralytic was healed… “that you may know the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins”

- Vs. 17 tells another reason that Jesus came … “not to call the righteous, but sinners”.

- I get the illustration about the “unshrunk” patch on a hole in a shrunken cloth…but I had to look it up to find out about the wine skins… reply back to this post and I will send you what I found out…petty cool stuff… has to do with the fermentation process.

- Vs.28…Jesus says he is Lord even of the Sabbath.

Dorsia's thoughts on Mark 1

Here are some “Bullet Points” that stuck out to me in my readings of Mark Chapter 1

- The Kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news…SO, I guess that the good news of God is “THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS NEAR” and that we must “repent” to “believe” this good news

- And what’s up with the camel hair clothing, leather belt, and eating locusts and wild honey….WELL, check out 2 Kings 1:8 and see how the great prophet Elijah was described…

- Vs. 38, Jesus says that the reason he has come is so he can “PREACH” in nearby villages too…even though he was teaching and healing people where he was….

- In vs. 14-20, Jesus invites Andrew, Simon, James, & John to follow him…and they drop what they are doing, and follow him… obey his invitation…

In Vs. 25, Jesus commands an evil spirit to come out of a man…and the evil spirit does what Jesus says… obeys his commands…

Yet in Vs 43-45 Jesus gives a “strong warning” to a many he has just healed from leprosy, and tell him not to tell anyone…but the man DISOBEYS and tells others, spreading the news…

My question is this…why do evil spirits obey Jesus, some men obey Jesus, yet other men don’t?

- Vs. 35. Even after a busy day of teaching, healing, and casting out demons (vs. 21-31) and an even busier night of work (vs. 32-24), rather than sleeping in and catching up on his sleep…Jesus was up before sunrise to be alone with God to pray…I think this is a good example of someone “practicing what they preach” …Maybe I should do the same