In my message; RELATIONSHIPS:
Becoming the “Right” Person, I challenged the singles in the LifeSpring
Community to become the “Right” Person, as they’re searching for the '”Right”
Person" (for those married or in a committed relationship I challenged
them to become the "Right" person their spouse or loved one
I asked everyone to be “intentional”,
not leaving this to chance, and do everything in their power to become the person who the person
they’re looking for is looking for.
I’ve had many
conversations with couples prior to their marriage (during their pre-marital
counseling sessions), as well as numerous conversations with couples whose
marriages are struggling.
One thing I have found in
married couples or couples in a committed relationship trying to overcome
struggles between the man and woman is very rarely did they have “Chemistry” or
“Passion” problems.
What they almost always
had was “RELATIONSHIP” problems.
In many cases I was
dealing not with a marriage with marriage problems, but with two single people
problems combined.
They had spent so much
time on their “Chemistry” or “Passion” earlier in their time together, that
they forgot to work on developing a good “RELATIONSHIP” with one another.
BTW, here are my telltale
signs of individuals spending too much time on “Chemistry” or “Passion” when
dating or in marriage:
(1) Compromising who I am and what I believe, (2) Accelerating the process
of a good relationship, or (3) Being Fake, in order to physically
please the other person or to be pleased myself.
Here’s the deal: God created RELATIONSHIP.
God created us for
RELATIONSHIPS (Relationship with God, Relationship between male and female,
Relationship with humanity).
I would say that we were
So, with that said, how do
we change? How can we be
transformed from focusing on “Chemistry” or “Passion”, to becoming the person the
person we are looking for, is looking for?
By understanding what LOVE is and how important it is in any relationship.
So the congregation and I
agreed to read 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a once a day for 7 days to
better understand the key ingredient in becoming the “Right” person: LOVE.
By practicing each of
these characteristics of LOVE, in every current relationship we are in now, we
start actively becoming the person the person we are looking
for, is looking for.
After you’ve read 1
Corinthians 13:4-8, let me know;
- Which of these qualities is the most
difficult for you to exhibit?
- Which quality do you value most in some
you want to date, your spouse, or significant other?
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