
September 18, 2009

A goal without a plan is just a wish

Several weeks ago, I began to share with our leadership team a vision of having a “Big Celebration”. A day where we go all out to invite as many people to worship with us at LifeSpring as possible.

Everyone was excited and encouraged even more when I shared with them that some friends from the Cordele area would come and prepare a meal for everyone who attended the worship service on that "Big Celebration" day.

YES”, I thought, “with the support of this leadership team, God is about to take LifeSpring to the next level”.

A few days later, several of our LifeSpring leaders brainstormed ideas to get 300 people to the worship service on the “Big Celebration” Day. Creative ideas like putting up billboards, personally handing out invitations, offering rides, face painting, even painting encouraging invitations on our car windows, whatever it takes.

YES”, I thought, “what great ideas, and we’ve set the goal high enough that it won’t happen without Gods power, this is gonna be great”.

Today, I was driving to work with a ton on my mind. I was consumed by the thoughts of all that needed to be done in preparation for the “BIG CELEBRATION” Day @ LifeSpring we had scheduled for 10/11/09. The anxiety of the moment caved in on me as the brainstorming ideas from the team have slown down, the teams schedules and other commitments are taking priority over the “Big Celebration” day, and those willing to volunteer are hard to find.

I found myself asking. “Why God, what did we do wrong?”

And then I saw it…the billboard at the local Library with the phrase that God used to center me again…

“A goal without a plan is just a wish"

(this was a quote of French writer Antoine De Saint-Exupery 1900-1944),

We had brainstormed what needed to be done, we had set the Goal for worship attendance that day (a lofty 300 people on 10/11/09)…

but we failed to plan HOW and WHO would do WHAT.

Then I remembered another quote that I use to have on my wall of my old office…

“What’s everyone’s responsibility is no ones responsibility”

The leadership team had been taking the approach that “everyone” would do something to make this “Big Celebration” a success. But we didn’t plan it out. We didn’t plan out assignments and responsibilities. We didn’t plan for accountability.

So, today we plan, tomorrow we plan, and this weekend we share the plan with the leadership team, and then we “work the plan”.

Now we will see what type of leader I really am.

Now we will see what type of leaders I have surrounded myself with @ LifeSpring.

Now we will see who will step up in action… who will step out in faith…. and who will side-step God’s call on their life.

Thank you God for your direction and patience with LifeSpring. May the "BIG CELEBRATION" day, be that... A big celebration of your love!

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